Our Service
Accounting Service – Tax

The cost-effectiveness is what our services emphasize rather than just sending documents for tax filing and budget closing, we also wish to lay a good foundation for entrepreneur’s businesses to ensure their long-run expansions with our value added services on analyzing financial statements and giving advices that suit your business.

Putting data and information into practice is our priority for this service, not just filing taxation and closing budget, you will obtain the financial statements in a timely manner, so as to quickly catch up the situation of your operational performance and then make more accurate decisions on businesses.

In addition to accounting service, our network is also consisted of many licensed auditors who provide professional service of auditing and give opinions on financial statements so that the entrepreneur or executives will have reliable financial statements audited by auditors with experience in each business sector and holding a license granted by the Federation of Accounting Professions Under The Royal Patronage of His Majesty The King.

Our service includes the preparation of payroll, registration of employees (addition/cancellation), registration of social security system, and submission of monthly social security form. In order to keep your business’s affairs and transactions confidential, you will be provided of files for personal tax payment, and of professional service on payroll preparation.

All of your recorded transactions will be verified by our professional accountant, we also provide you with advisory services on transactions such as which transaction is taxable, or which transaction is recordable in accounting only, and solution to optimize your actual expenses paid for business to become taxable expenses as most as possible.

We always encourage our clients to lawfully file taxation, our taxation-related services include: regular tax forms such as PND 1, PND 3, PND 53 or P.P. 30; and non-regular tax forms, online taxation registration service is also provided.

Our company-related registration services include Business Registration, VAT Registration, Liquidation/Capital Increase Registration, to be advised by our team members on all aspects of registrations for the company, because we consider the establishment of reliable company is important.

Our service on taxation planning covers personal taxation, and/or corporate taxation to achieve lawful taxation and highest tax-saving outcome.

Our advisory service also includes the planning for financial risk management for executives and juristic persons, such as how much of life insurance, health insurance, critical illness insurance, and treasure insurance, should be purchased to be sufficient for preventing such risk.